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 Are you Criticizing God? (I Was)

Last night I was doing some research on the net and I read a wonderful, wonderful sermon by R.A. Torrey entitled, "Why God Used D.L. Moody." Since that was such an inspiring sermon, I decided to check and see if there were other sermons by Torrey online, When I found, "Are You Criticizing God?" I could not read the first paragraph without going and repenting on my face before God.

God used the title and verse the sermon was based upon to reach me before I even read R.A. Torrey's words. The amazing power of the Holy Ghost to convict a saint that she is in sin is amazing to me.

What was my problem? What was I doing that constitutes criticizing God? I was replying against His providential dealings in my life. I wanted to know now why the fiery trial I've been undergoing (for years) has not ceased. Why is this fiery trial still continuing when I've been obedient to His call and seek to walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh? I know why the process of refining has not ceased yet. Because there is still more He has to do to make me fit for the work He has to do through me in the ministry He has in store for me. He showed me last night in the scriptures that I am a vessel of His mercy:

"And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had before prepared unto glory," Romans 9:23

The Lord has been taking me, a "vessel of mercy" (and you are too if you are saved) and making me a fit "vessel unto honor": Rom 9:21 says,

Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?"

God is the potter and He has power over me the clay to make me a fit vessel unto honor. It is His decision to choose what needs to come into my life to make me a fit and useable vessel, not mine! The vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction choose their own way and follow their own course, but vessels of mercy must not reply against God and ask Him "Why have you formed me thus?" and "Why are you allowing these circumstances in my life?"

God is the potter and the believer is the clay. Let's look at the whole passage:

Nay, but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why has thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another to dishonour? Romans 9:20-21

The bottom line is that the potter (God) has power or authority over the clay (the Christian) and as such, God's people must submit to him as he molds us (the clay) into vessels of honor. Being a "vessel of mercy" can be a painful process during the time of molding, but I must remember not to reply against God in my heart attitude or by asking my husband, "Why is God allowing this?" He is allowing this because He is the potter and He has the power over the clay. End of discussion.

He is God and I am not. I may meekly ask and He has often answered according to His will, but the clay has no business demanding anything of the potter. The potter is in charge; he is in power, and once the clay is molded into the proper vessel, he is to purge himself as well:

"If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work."-2 Tim. 2:21

Every time we are repenting and forsaking sin we are purging ourselves. This is our responsibility as believers so that we may become "vessels unto honour." God does the molding and we do the purging the willing forsaking of known sin in our lives.

Bless God for his faithfulness in showing me my attitude of "replying" against Him and helping me to see his role in molding me is under His sovereign control and that it is done in mercy towards me, his "vessel of mercy."

Today we listened to Denny Kenaston's sermon, [1] "Fighting God for a Blessing." I'm so glad for my time of repentance last night as I was so ready to hear this sermon which is exactly what I needed to hear at this season in my life. May God always give me "ears to hear" what his Spirit is saying to me.

a vessel of mercy

NOTE: The mention of Denny Kenaston's excellent sermon, "Fighting God for a Blessing" is not an endorsement of the Charity Christian Fellowship Church or any particular Remnant movement.

UPDATE: We do not believe the Charity Christian Fellowship movement is, overall, a healthy movement. We have been reading reports of unbiblical leadership over families in this movement so please do your own research and pray for guidance.

God is calling a remnant out of the apostate church. Each individual Christian must prove which church in their area is acceptable to the Lord, if any.

UPDATE on August 4, 2018.

WARNING: I have discovered that Michael and Debi Pearl, who clearly promote witchcraft doctrines, have been yoked with the Kenastons --all these years and remain yoked with them. Denny has passed on but Jackie, his wife, has gone on speaking engagements with Debi Pearl. Debi Pearl and Denny Kennaston's name are on a book called The Hidden Helpmeet.

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